0755 2560675
Health & Hygiene

Many people in rural areas may not understand what good or bad personal hygiene is. The prevention of communicable diseases, like diarrhoea, trachoma and many others is highly possible through the application of proper personal hygiene. Thus, MPSSS has adopted an integrated approach to improve water, sanitation, and hygiene programs in our working areas. Many awareness sessions were organized and rallies were there make the community to understand the importance of health and hygiene. This has let the community to know and look for the government schemes like Nal Jal Yojana and Swachha Bharat Abhiyan.

In the recent days, the focus towards Malnutrition has been increased in our target areas. Malnutrition is a major health problem, especially in developing countries. Water supply, sanitation and hygiene, given their direct impact on infectious disease, especially diarrhoea, are important for preventing malnutrition. Both malnutrition and inadequate water supply and sanitation are linked to poverty. It concerns not enough as well as too much food, the wrong types of food and the inability to use nutrients properly to maintain health. In our 315 target villages, different measures like, Traditional millet cultivation, Kitchen Garden, Organic Farming practices and vegetable cultivation and uses of Toilets instead of open defection are there. These measures are for the reduction of health issues mainly hunger and malnutrition.

Ø MPSSS has 334 Health Institutions

Ø 14 MOUs done with various  Health Departments in MP and CG

Ø 462 Community Health Awareness Programs

Ø 17297Immunization was done for the children

Ø 453 Malnourished children are referred to NRC and cured

Ø 2743 Anaemic women are given support form Anganwadies

Ø 9388 women and Adolescent girls received benefits from Anganwadies.

 Apart from this,

1. Adopted Malnourished Children – 3 Villages in Ujjain

2. Encouraging Animal Protein

3. Timely Appropriate treatment

4. Variety in Food Practices (Soya Milk Preparation)

5. Making protein powder

6. Low Land vegetable cultivation

7. Nutritious Laddu preparation (Navadhana Laddu)

8. Promotion of Innovative Kitchen Garden

9. Poshan Vatika

10. Awareness Rallies on Malnutrition

11. Terrace Garden – Vegetables

12. Fruit Plants - Horticulture